Bravecto Plus (1.2 - 2.8 kg)
ATC code
For cats with, or at risk from, mixed parasitic infestations by ticks or fleas and ear mites, gastrointestinal nematodes, heartworm or lungworm. The veterinary medicinal product is only indicated when use against ticks or fleas and one or more of the other target parasites is indicated at the same time.
For the treatment of tick and flea infestations in cats providing immediate and persistent flea (Ctenocephalides felis) and tick (Ixodes ricinus) killing activity for 12 weeks. Fleas and ticks must attach to the host and commence feeding in order to be exposed to the active substance.
The veterinary medicinal product can be used as part of a treatment strategy for flea allergy dermatitis (FAD).
For the treatment of infestations with ear mites (Otodectes cynotis).
For the treatment of infections with intestinal roundworm (4th stage larvae, immature adults and adults of Toxocara cati) and hookworm (4th stage larvae, immature adults and adults of Ancylostoma tubaeforme).
When administered repeatedly at a 12-week interval, the veterinary medicinal product continuously prevents heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis (see details in section 4.9).
Prevention of aelurostrongylosis (by preventing the establishment of adult Aelurostrongylus abstrusus responsible for clinical disease).
Dose to be administered and administration route
For spot-on use.
The veterinary medicinal product is available in three pipette sizes. The following table defines the size of pipette to be used according to the body weight of the cat (corresponding to a dose of 40-94 mg fluralaner/kg body weight and 2-4.7 mg moxidectin/kg body weight):
Weight of cat (kg) |
Pipette size to be used |
1.2 – 2.8 |
Bravecto Plus 112.5 mg + 5.6 mg spot-on solution for small cats |
>2.8 – 6.25 |
Bravecto Plus 250 mg + 12.5 mg spot-on solution for mediumsized cats |
>6.25 – 12.5 |
Bravecto Plus 500 mg + 25 mg spot-on solution for large cats |
Within each weight band, the content of one whole pipette should be used.
For cats more than 12.5 kg, use a combination of two pipettes that most closely matches the body weight.
Underdosing could result in ineffective use and may favour resistance development.
Method of administration
Step 1: Immediately before use, open the sachet and remove the pipette. Put on gloves. The pipette should be held by the base or by the upper rigid portion below the cap in an upright position (tip up) for opening it. The twist-and-use cap should be rotated clockwise or counter- clockwise one full turn. The cap will stay on the pipette; it is not possible to remove it. The pipette is open and ready for application when the breaking of the seal is felt.
Step 2: The cat should be standing or lying with its back horizontal for easy application. Place the pipette tip on the base of the skull of the cat.
Step 3: Squeeze the pipette gently and apply the entire contents directly to the cat’s skin. The veterinary medicinal product should be applied on cats up to 6.25 kg body weight in one spot at the base of the skull and in two spots at the base of the skull on cats greater than 6.25 kg bodyweight.
For the concurrent treatment of infections with ear mites (Otodectes cynotis), a single dose of the veterinary medicinal product should be applied. Seek further veterinary examination (i.e., otoscopy) 28 days after treatment to determine whether there is reinfestation requiring additional treatment. The choice of the additional treatment (monosubstance or combination product) should be determined by the prescribing veterinarian.
For the concurrent treatment of infections with the gastrointestinal nematodes T. cati and A. tubaeforme, a single dose of the veterinary medicinal product should be applied. The need for and frequency of re-treatment should be based on professional advice and should take into account the local epidemiological situation and the animal’s lifestyle.
Where necessary, cats can be re-treated at 12-week intervals.
Cats in areas endemic for heartworm, or cats which have travelled to endemic areas, may be infected with adult heartworms. Therefore prior to application of the veterinary medicinal product for the concurrent prevention of infection with adult D. immitis, the advice provided in section 4.4 should be considered.
At the time of treatment, the product is effective against D. immitis larvae (L3 and L4), which have infected the cat in the previous 30 days.
The veterinary medicinal product is effective against incoming D. immitis larvae (L3) for 60 days after treatment.
Therefore, for continuous prevention of heartworm disease cats need to be retreated at 12-week intervals.
To prevent the establishment of adult lungworms responsible for clinical aelurostrongylosis, cats need to be retreated at 12-week intervals.
Adverse reactions
Common (1 to 10 animals / 100 animals treated): |
Skin reactions at the application site (application site alopecia, flaking skin, application site reddening and application site pruritus)#. |
Uncommon (1 to 10 animals / 1,000 animals treated): |
Dyspnoea (after licking the application site), Tachypnoea; Hypersalivation, Emesis, Haematemesis, Diarrhoea; Lethargy, Pyrexia; Mydriasis. |
Very rare (<1 animal / 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports): |
Anorexia; Neurological disorders (e.g. tremor, ataxia). |
#mild and transient
Reporting adverse events is important. It allows continuous safety monitoring of a veterinary medicinal product. Reports should be sent, preferably via a veterinarian, to either the marketing authorisation holder or the national competent authority via the national reporting system. See also “Contact details” of the package leaflet.