Avishield IBD Plus
Active substance
ATC code
Chickens (broilers, future layers and breeders).
For active immunisation of chickens (broilers, future layers and breeders) with maternally derived antibodies (break-through titre: ≤500 IDEXX ELISA units) to reduce clinical disease and bursal lesions due to infection caused by Avian Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) viruses.
Chickens can be vaccinated from 10 days of age.
Onset of immunity: 2 weeks after vaccination
Duration of immunity: 5 weeks after vaccination
Dose to be administered and administration route
One dose of vaccine should be administered to each chicken by drinking water route from 10 days of age depending on MDA level.
The optimal vaccination date is influenced by a number of factors, such as status of maternally derived antibodies, type of bird, infection pressure, housing and management conditions.
Maternally derived antibodies (MDA) can interfere with the immunity induced by live IBD vaccines, so the optimum age for vaccination depends on both the level of residual MDA against IBD in the flock and ability of the vaccine strain of avian IBD virus to induce the required level of immunity in the presence of MDA. To predict the age when the MDA titre has sufficiently decreased to allow effective vaccination (break-through titre), testing of serum samples of at least 18 chicks by serology and use of the Deventer Formula is advised. When high titres are expected, later sampling (i.e. on day 7) will give a more reliable estimation of time of vaccination than sampling on day 0. A break-through titre of 500 (IDEXX standard ELISA) should be used. If other ELISA kits are used, obtained titre values need to be corrected to correspond to IDEXX standard ELISA kit.
The Deventer formula is as follows:
Vaccination age = { (log2 titre bird% - log2 breakthrough) x t _ } + age at sampling + correction 0-4
In which
Bird% = percentage of the flock that can be efficaciously vaccinated (having MDA titres below break-through titre)
Log2 titre bird % = ELISA titre to be used is the highest ELISA titre in certain percentage of all serums taken on sampling day, after their antibody titres are ranked from the lowest to the highest. This percentage of samples corresponds to the percentage of flock that can be efficaciously vaccinated (having MDA titres below break-through titre)
breakthrough = breakthrough (ELISA) titre of the vaccine to be used
t _ = half-life time (ELISA) of the antibodies in the type of chickens being sampled
Age sampling = age of the birds at sampling
Correction 0-4 = extra days when the sampling was done at 0 to 4 days of age.
For examples and more information about the use of the Deventer Formula please refer to de Wit 2001: Gumboro disease: Estimation of optimal time of vaccination by the Deventer formula, or contact the marketing authorisation holder.
In drinking water use
• Suspend the vaccine in a small amount of cool and clean water without traces of chlorine, other disinfectants or impurities, in a number of doses corresponding to the number of birds to be vaccinated. Where the number of birds is between the standard dosages, the next higher dosage should be used.
• Vaccine should be suspended immediately before use.
• Measure the correct volume of water for the number of birds to be vaccinated. The volume of water for dilution depends on the age of the birds, breed, housing conditions and weather conditions.
• The resuspended vaccine should be diluted in the amount of water which will be consumed within 1.5 to 2.0 hours (taking into account the different types of drinking systems for poultry).
• In order to determine the quantity of water in which the vaccine will be diluted, measure the volume of water consumed within a two hours period one day before vaccination.
• As an orientation guide for younger chickens (until 3rd week of life), apply the reconstituted vaccine to cold and fresh water at the rate of 1000 doses of vaccine to 1 litre of water per day of age for 1000 chickens, e.g. 10 litres would be needed for 1000, 10 days old chickens.
• In order to make the birds thirsty, withdraw the supply of drinking water up to 2 hours prior to immunisation (bird‵s drinking behaviour varies, depending on the air temperature, type of birds, breed, management, weather conditions).
• The drinking system should be clean, without traces of chlorine, other disinfectants or impurities.
• If needed, turn the lights down low when the water is turned off. After the vaccine is in the drinking system, increase light intensity again. Increased light intensity will stimulate the birds to look for food and water.
• Always make sure that there is food available when vaccinating. Birds will not drink if they have no food to eat.
Adverse reactions
Chickens (broilers, future layers and breeders):
Very common (>1 animal / 10 animals treated): |
Bursa of Fabricius lymphocyte depletion a |
a Significant lymphocyte depletion in the bursa of Fabricius (in 26-50% of the follicles) was observed 7 days after vaccine take in laboratory studies after administration of a 10-fold overdose. Lymphocyte repopulation is observed from 21 days post vaccination onwards. At 28 days post vaccination there is still some depletion remaining (1-25 % of follicles). Complete repopulation of the bursae by lymphocytes has taken place by 35 days after vaccination.
The vaccine-related lymphocyte depletion was not associated with immunosuppression.
Reporting adverse events is important. It allows continuous safety monitoring of a veterinary medicinal product. Reports should be sent, preferably via a veterinarian, to either the marketing authorisation holder or its local representative or the national competent authority via the national reporting system. See the package leaflet for respective contact details.

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Art. Nr. | 43676/5000 |
EAN | 3858888783129 |