
1 x 1 pc
Oral gel

Active substance

  • Moxidectin : 18,92 mg/g
  • Species

    Horses and ponies.


    The veterinary medicinal product is indicated for treatment of infections caused by moxidectin sensitive strains of:

    - Large strongyles:

    . Strongylus vulgaris (adults and arterial stages)

    . Strongylus edentatus (adults and visceral stages)

    . Triodontophorus brevicauda (adults)

    . Triodontophorus serratus (adults)

    . Triodontophorus tenuicollis (adults)

    - Small strongyles (adults and intraluminal larval stages):

    . Cyathostomum spp.

    . Cylicocyclus spp.

    . Cylicostephanus spp.

    . Cylicodontophorus spp.

    . Gyalocephalus spp.

    - Ascarids:

    . Parascaris equorum (adult and larval stages)

    - Other species:

    . Oxyuris equi (adult and larval stages)

    . Habronema muscae (adults)

    . Gasterophilus intestinalis (L2, L3)

    . Gasterophilus nasalis (L2, L3)

    . Strongyloides westeri (adults)

    . Trichostrongylus axei

    The veterinary medicinal product has a persistent efficacy of two weeks against small strongyles. The excretion of small strongyles eggs is suppressed for 90 days.

    The veterinary medicinal product is effective against (developing) intramucosal L4 stages of small strongyles. At 8 weeks after treatment, early (hypobiotic) EL3 stages of small strongyles are eliminated.

    Dose to be administered and administration route

    A single oral dose of 400 µg moxidectin/kg bodyweight using the calibrated syringe. Before the first dose, hold the syringe with the capped end pointing to the left and so that you can see the weight measurements and tick marks (small black lines). Set the syringe to zero by moving the dial ring so the left side is set at the first full black mark and depress the plunger, safely discarding any paste that is expelled.

    To dose the product, hold the syringe as previously described. Each tick mark relates to 25 kg of body weight and to 10mg moxidectin. Turn the dial ring until the left side of the ring lines up with the weight of the animal.

    Use of a scale or weight tape is recommended to ensure accurate dosing.

    A single syringe treats a 700 kg horse.

    Adverse reactions

    Ataxia, depression, abdominal pain, muscle tremor, flaccid lower lip and swelling of the muzzle could be observed on very rare occasions in young animals. These adverse effects are usually transient and disappear spontaneously in most cases.

    The frequency of adverse reactions is defined using the following convention:

    - very common (more than 1 in 10 animals treated displaying adverse reaction(s))

    - common (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 100 animals treated)

    - uncommon (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 1,000 animals treated)

    - rare (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 10,000 animals treated)

    - very rare (less than 1 animal in 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports).


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    1 x 1 pc
    VETiSearch ApS - C.F. Richs Vej 99D - 2000 Copenhagen - Denmark - contact@vetisearch.co.uk - Legal registration number: 39926679
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