Equimax Gel

1 x 7,49 g
Oral gel




For the treatment of mixed cestode and nematode or arthropod infestations, due to adult and immature roundworms, lungworms, bots and tapeworms in horses:

⬧ Nematodes


Strongylus vulgaris (adult and arterial larvae)

Strongylus edentatus (adult and L4 tissue larval stages)

Strongylus equinus (adult)

Triodontophorus spp. (adult)


Cyathostomum: Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicostephanus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp., Gyalocephalus spp. (adult and non-inhibited mucosal larvae).

Parascaris: Parascaris equorum (adult and larvae).

Oxyuris: Oxyuris equi (larvae).

Trichostrongylus: Trichostrongylus axei (adult).

Strongyloides: Strongyloides westeri (adult).

Habronema: Habronema spp. (adult),

Onchocerca: Onchocerca spp. microfilariae i.e. cutaneous onchocerciasis

Lungworm: Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (adult and larvae).

Cestodes (Tapeworm): Anoplocephala perfoliata, Anoplocephala magna, Paranoplocephala mamillana.

⬧ Dipteran insects: Gasterophilus spp. (larvae)

As tapeworm infestation is unlikely to occur in horses before two months of age, treatment of foals below this age is not considered necessary.

Dose to be administered and administration route


Single administration.

200 µg of Ivermectin and 1.5 mg of praziquantel per kg of bodyweight corresponding to 1.07 g of paste per 100 kg bodyweight.

To ensure administration of a correct dose, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible; accuracy of the dosing device should be checked as underdosing might lead to an increased risk of development of resistance to anthelmintic drugs.





Up to 100 kg

1.070 g

401-450 kg

4.815 g

101-150 kg

1.605 g

451-500 kg

5.350 g

151-200 kg

2.140 g

501-550 kg

5.885 g

201-250 kg

2.675 g

551-600 kg

6.420 g

251-300 kg

3.210 g

601–650 kg*

6.955 g

301-350 kg

3.745 g

651-700 kg*

7.490 g

351-400 kg

4.280 g


* Concerns the 7.49g syringe only

The first division delivers enough paste to treat 100 kg.

Each subsequent syringe division delivers enough paste to treat 50 kg of bodyweight. The syringe should be adjusted to the calculated dosage by setting the ring on the appropriate place on the plunger.

The syringe containing 6.42 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 600 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.

The syringe containing 7.49 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 700 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.

Directions for use

Oral use

Before administration, adjust the syringe to the calculated dosage by setting the ring on the plunger. The paste is administered orally by inserting the nozzle of the syringe through the interdental space and depositing the required amount of paste on the back of the tongue. The animal's mouth should be free of any food. Immediately after administration, elevate the head of the horse for a few seconds to ensure the dose is swallowed.

The veterinary surgeon should give advice regarding appropriate dosing programmes and stock management to achieve adequate parasite control for both tapeworm and roundworm infestations.

Adverse reactions

Horses carrying heavy infection of Onchocerca microfilariae have experienced such reactions as swelling and itching after treatment. It is assumed that these reactions are the result of the destruction of large numbers of microfilariae.

In case of very high levels of infestation, destruction of the parasites may cause a mild transient colic and loose faeces in the treated horse.

Colic, diarrhea and anorexia have been reported in vary rare occasions post treatment, in particular when there is heavy worm burden.

In very rare occasions, allergic reactions such as hypersalivation, lingual oedema and urticaria, tachycardia, congested mucus membranes, and subcutaneous oedema have been reported following treatment with the product.

A veterinarian should be consulted if these signs persist.


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Art. Nr. 05653/5042
EAN 3597133010107
Equimax Gel
1 x 7,49 g
Equimax Gel
48 x 7,49 g

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