Nobivac Bb

1 x 5 dose
Lyofilisate and solvent for suspension for nasal administration




For active immunisation of cats, of 1 month of age or older to reduce clinical signs of Bordetella bronchiseptica associated with upper respiratory tract disease.

Onset of immunity: Onset of immunity was established in 8 week old cats as early as 72 hours after vaccination.

Duration of immunity: The duration of immunity is up to 1 year.

No data on the influence of maternal antibodies on the effect of vaccination with Nobivac Bb for cats are available. From literature it is considered that this type of intranasal vaccine is able to induce an immune response without interference from maternally derived antibodies.

Dose to be administered and administration route

Nasal use.

Vaccination scheme:

One dose of 0.2 ml of reconstituted vaccine at least 72 hours prior to period of anticipated risk.

Allow the solvent to reach room temperature. Aseptically reconstitute the lyophilisate with 0.3 ml of the sterile solvent provided. Shake well.

Withdraw 0.2 ml of reconstituted vaccine into a 1 ml or 2 ml syringe, remove the needle and administer the whole contents of the syringe into one of the cat’s nostrils.

The head of the cat should be held with its nose pointing upwards and its mouth closed, so that it is forced to breathe through its nostrils. Place the syringe in front of one of the nostrils and carefully administer the whole contents of the syringe into the nasal cavity via this nostril. The vaccine is administered directly from the tip of the syringe onto the opening of the nostril and enters the nasal cavity during inhalation.

Adverse reactions

After administration, occasionally sneezing, coughing, mild and transient discharge from the eyes or nose, may occur. In cats that show more severe signs, appropriate antibiotic treatment may be indicated.


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Art. Nr.
Nobivac Bb
1 x 5 dose
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