Nobilis Rhino CV
Active substance
ATC code
For broilers, future layers and breeders from one day of age.
Broilers, future layers and breeders
Active immunisation in order to reduce the frequency and the severity of clinical signs due to infection with avian rhinotracheitis virus (avian metapneumovirus). The onset of immunity is 3 weeks and the duration of immunity is 16 weeks post-vaccination.
Future layers and breeders
Priming with Nobilis Rhino CV, followed by a second vaccination with an inactivated vaccine containing the avian rhinotracheitis virus strain But1#8544 before the onset of lay results in a reduction of the clinical signs including egg drop, caused by infection with avian rhinotracheitis virus. Protective immunity is maintained for the normal laying period.
Dose to be administered and administration route
Oculonasal administration via eye- or nose-drop method or via coarse spray, one dose per bird from 1 day old.
Oculonasal route
Reconstitute the freeze-dried vaccine in clean, disinfectant- and antiseptic-free water to which 2% liquid skimmed milk is added and administer by means of a standardised dropper. The amount of fluid required for eye- or nose-drop administration depends on the number of doses and the droplet size, but approximately 35 ml per 1000 doses is used.
Apply one drop in a nare or eye. Check that the drop is entirely absorbed before releasing the bird.
Spray vaccination
The vaccine must be reconstituted with clean, disinfectant- and antiseptic-free water to which 2% of liquid skimmed milk is added. The appropriate number of vials must be opened under water. The volume of vaccine suspension must be sufficient to ensure a homogeneous vaccination of the birds.
Depending on the age of the chickens to be vaccinated and the rearing system, take 250 to 500 ml of water per 1000 doses. The vaccine suspension is to be sprayed evenly over the appropriate number of animals at a distance of 30-40 cm with a regular spraying apparatus, preferably when the animals sit together under a dim light. The spray apparatus must be free from sediments, corrosion and traces of disinfectants and ideally should be used for vaccination purposes only.
If applicable, reduce ventilation to prevent loss of spray.
For future layers and breeders please see section 4.2.
Adverse reactions
In a low percentage of flocks (less than 10 %), vaccination can lead to slight nasal discharge or coughing by some birds between 2 to 7 days after administration for 1 to 2 days.
If you notice any serious effects or other effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please inform your veterinary surgeon.