Active substance
ATC code
Sheep (ewes).
For the active immunisation of susceptible breeding female sheep to reduce the effects of infection by Toxoplasma gondii, namely early embryonic death, barrenness and abortion.
Vaccination with Toxovax is known to protect for at least two lambing seasons.
Dose to be administered and administration route
The vaccine is supplied as a liquid concentrate containing 20 or 50 doses. Immediately before use this is added to the 40 or 100 ml (respectively) diluent (Unisolve), giving a dose volume of 2 ml.
Injection equipment:
To minimise the risk of self-injection the vaccine should be administered using disposable automatic syringes fitted with a guarded needle system according to the manufacturer's instructions.
An administration kit including a vented transfer devise for vaccine reconstitution and disposable automatic syringe with a guarded needle system is available from the company.
It is vital that a vented draw off tube is used with this equipment. Regular checks should be made to ensure the syringes are properly calibrated. Carefully attach the vial of reconstituted vaccine to the injection equipment and avoid creating aerosols during the priming process. It may be advisable to wear a visor while carrying out this operation.
Protective gloves (impervious rubber or plastic such as disposable medical gloves or surgical gloves (EU standards) and goggles or a face visor should be worn when diluting the vaccine.
If using the vented transfer device push one end of the device through the centre of the Unisolve vial using a firm, twisting action. Similarly, push the vaccine vial onto the opposite end of the device taking care to ensure the spike penetrates the centre of the vial bung. The vaccine concentrate will drain into the diluent vial. Remove the empty vaccine vial and transfer spike from the diluent vial and place into an appropriate disinfectant solution. Alternatively, withdraw the entire contents of the vaccine concentrate vial using a sterile disposable 10 ml syringe and either a 16 G or 18 G sterile needle. Carefully expel any air from the syringe and inject the contents into the diluent vial.
With the diluent vial upright withdraw 5-10 ml of air prior to removing the needle. This maintains the vial under negative pressure and avoids spillage when the needle is removed.
After dilution the vaccine should be kept cool and away from light and used as soon as possible (within 2 hours).
Ideally only dilute one vaccine vial at a time.
Dose: 2 ml by intramuscular injection.
Basic vaccination:
Animals should be given a single dose at least 3 weeks prior to mating. Ewe lambs, where it is intended to breed from them, may be vaccinated from 5 months of age. Shearlings and older ewes should be vaccinated during the 4 month period prior to mating.
After 2 years, a single dose at least 3 weeks prior to mating.
Adverse reactions
A transient temperature rise is normally observed (up to 41°C returning to normal within 7-8 days of vaccination).