Respiporc Flu3
Active substance
ATC code
Active immunisation of pigs from the age of 56 days onwards including pregnant sows against swine influenza caused by subtypes H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2 to reduce clinical signs and viral lung load after infection.
Onset of immunity: 1 week after primary vaccination
Duration of immunity: 4 months in pigs vaccinated between the age of 56 and 96 days and 6 months in pigs vaccinated for the first time at 96 days and above.
Active immunisation of pregnant sows after finished primary immunisation by administration of a single dose 14 days prior to farrowing to develop high colostral immunity which provides clinical protection of piglets for at least 33 days after birth.
Dose to be administered and administration route
For intramuscular use.
Primary vaccination: 2 injections of one dose (2 ml)
- From the age of 96 days, with an interval of 3 weeks between injections to achieve duration of immunity over 6 months. or
- Between the age of 56 and 96 days, with an interval of 3 weeks between injections to achieve duration of immunity over 4 months.
Gilts and sows:
Primary vaccination: see above
A booster is possible at each stage of pregnancy and lactation. When vaccination is performed 14 days prior to farrowing with one dose (2 ml), it provides maternally-derived immunity to the piglets which protects them from clinical signs of influenza at least until day 33 after birth.
Maternally-derived immunity in the piglets interacts with antibody induction. Generally, maternallyderived antibodies induced by vaccination last for approx. 5-8 weeks after birth. In particular cases of multiple contacts of the sows with antigens (field infections + vaccination) the antibodies transmitted to the piglets may last until week 12 of life. In the latter case piglets should be vaccinated after the age of 96 days.
Adverse reactions
Target species: pig.
Very rare (<1 animal / 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports): | Injection site swelling1,2 Elevated temperature2 |
1 Regressing within 2 days
2 Transient
Reporting adverse events is important. It allows continuous safety monitoring of a veterinary medicinal product. Reports should be sent, preferably via a veterinarian, to either the marketing authorisation holder or the national competent authority via the national reporting system. See the package leaflet for respective contact details.
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Art. Nr. | 15052/5016 |
EAN | 3411113039691 |