Active substance
ATC code
Horses over 3 years of age.
As an aid in the treatment of clinical signs of lameness associated with bone spavin in combination with a controlled exercise regime.
Dose to be administered and administration route
Intravenous infusion after reconstitution and dilution.
1 mg of tiludronic acid per kg of body weight, corresponding to 5 ml of reconstituted solution per 100 kg.
Preparation of the ready-to-use solution for infusion:
- Using a sterile needle and a suitable sterile disposable syringe, remove 25 ml of 0.9% Sodium Chloride solution or 5% Glucose solution from a 1 l to 3 l infusion container.
- Add the 25 ml of isotonic Sodium Chloride or Glucose solution to the vial of powder.
- Shake until the powder is completely dissolved. The concentrate appears as a clear, particle free and colourless solution.
- Adhering to strict aseptic technique, inject the reconstituted solution immediately into the infusion container
- Gently invert the container several times.
- Administer through a suitable needle or catheter inserted into the jugular vein and connected to the infusion container with sterile disposable infusion tubing.
- Each vial is for single use only. Cloudy solutions or solutions containing visible solid particles should not be administered.
The product should be infused over 30 minutes at an even rate. Fluctuations in the infusion rate could increase the risk of the horse showing signs of colic during or after the infusion.
Do not exceed the infusion rate as this could increase the risk of the horse showing signs of colic during or after infusion.
Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Adverse reactions
The main adverse reactions related to treatment with tiludronic acid are signs of discomfort or signs of colic (expressed as belly watching, yawning, pawing or kicking, stretching, light bruxism, often combined with restlessness), softening of faeces and sweating. These side effects were observed in less than 15 % of horses treated with the recommended therapeutic scheme.
The signs of colic appear within a few hours following treatment, are mild and transient and generally resolve spontaneously without requiring any specific treatment. In case signs persist, conventional treatments should be administered. The administration of an alpha 2 adrenergic agonist prior infusion may reduce the occurrence of signs of colic. As recumbency can be experienced post infusion, be aware that the horse should be free to lie down in a comfortable unrestricted area. An increase in frequency of signs of discomfort and restlessness is observed when the infusion duration is less than 15 minutes.
On very rare occasions (less than 1 out of 20,000 horses) allergic or anaphylactic like reactions have been reported in treated horses: signs of reaction ranged from urticaria to anaphylactic shock which can be fatal.
In rare cases, acute renal failure may occur within 1 week after administration of the product. Renal parameters should be monitored before administration of the product and water consumption and urine output should be monitored where possible after administration.
Renal insufficiency is more frequently observed in animals concurrently exposed to NSAIDs. In these cases, appropriate fluid therapy should be instituted, and renal parameters monitored.
The frequency of adverse reactions is defined using the following convention:
- very common (more than 1 in 10 animals treated displaying adverse reaction(s))
- common (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 100 animals treated)
- uncommon (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 1,000 animals treated)
- rare (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 10,000 animals treated)
-very rare (less than 1 animal in 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports).