Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivated

1 x 10 dose
Suspension for injection




For active immunisation of cattle against Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), to reduce the clinical signs and virus shedding and, in female cattle, to prevent abortions associated with BoHV-1 infection. The vaccination of pregnant cattle will prevent abortion associated with BoHV-1 infections as demonstrated during the second trimester of gestation upon challenge 28 days after vaccination. Vaccinated cattle can be differentiated from field virus infected animals due to the marker deletion, unless the cattle were previously vaccinated with a conventional vaccine or infected with field virus.

Duration of immunity: 6 months

- For booster immunisation after primovaccination with Rispoval IBR-Marker Vivum (in member states where this product is authorized) to reduce the virus shedding and the clinical signs associated with BoHV-1 infection in cattle and, in female cattle, to prevent abortions associated with BoHV-1 infection. This vaccination of cattle will prevent abortion associated with BoHV-1 infections as demonstrated during the third trimester of gestation upon challenge 86 days after the booster vaccination.

Duration of immunity: 6 months after complete primovaccination with Rispoval IBR-Marker Vivum followed by 12 month after annual booster with Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum.

In order to prevent abortion in female cattle that have received basic immunisation, a single dose revaccination with Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum is recommended to be applied no later than by the start of the second trimester of each further pregnancy.

Dose to be administered and administration route


The dose of vaccine is 2 ml for cattle over 3 months of age, for subcutaneous injection.

The vaccination scheme consists of basic immunisation and booster vaccinations.

Basic immunisation:

Two injections of 1 dose (2 ml) each 3-5 weeks apart.

Booster vaccinations of cattle having been administered the primary vaccination scheme using Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum:

1 dose (2 ml) 6 months apart.

Booster Vaccinations of cattle having been administered the primary vaccination scheme using Rispoval IBR-Marker Vivum (in member states where this product is authorized):

Cattle having been administered the primary vaccination scheme using Rispoval IBR-Marker Vivum (according to the product information for this product) may be given booster vaccinations with Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum. These animals should be given a single dose booster vaccination with Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum 6 months after their initial vaccination course with Rispoval IBR-Marker Vivum. Thereafter, single dose booster vaccinations with Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum should be administered every 12 months.

If calves under the age of 3 months should be vaccinated the development of immunity may be impaired by maternal antibodies. These calves should be revaccinated when they are over 3 months of age.

It is recommended to vaccinate all cattle of a herd.

To prevent abortions associated with BoHV-1 female cattle require a primary course of two subcutaneous doses of vaccine 3-5 weeks apart or alternatively a primary course of a single intramuscular dose of Rispoval IBR-Marker Vivum followed 6 months later by a single dose booster using Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum. In order to cover the main abortion risk period, it is recommended that the second dose of the primary course of two subcutaneous doses or the single dose booster using Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivatum is administered no later than by the start of the second trimester of each pregnancy.

Method of administration

Shake the vaccine well before use. The liquid suspension is injected aseptically via the subcutaneous route.

Vaccination schemes summary

From 2 weeks to 3 months of age

Rispoval IBR-Marker vaccine used

Revaccination intervals

Primary vaccination

First dose, from

2 weeks of age (route of administration)

Second dose, at 3 months of age (route of administration)

Interval to next booster vaccination (vaccine and route of administration)

All subsequent booster vaccinations (vaccine and route of administration)





6 months

(Vivum, intramuscular)

6 months

(Vivum, intramuscular)





6 months

(Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

12 months

(Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

From 3 months of age

Rispoval IBR-Marker vaccine used

Revaccination intervals

Primary vaccination (number of doses and route of administration)

Interval to first booster vaccination (vaccine and route of administration)

All subsequent booster vaccinations (vaccine and route of administration)

Vivum (one dose, intramuscular)

6 months (Vivum, intramuscular)

6 months (Vivum, intramuscular)

Vivum (one dose, intramuscular)

6 months

(Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

12 months

(Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

Inactivatum (two doses, subcutaneous, with 3-5 week interval)

6 months

(Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

6 months

(Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

For female cattle for protection against abortion:

Rispoval IBR-Marker vaccine used


Vaccination schedule (number of doses and route of administration) recommended to be applied no later than by the start of second trimester of pregnancy

Vivum (two doses, intramuscular, with 3-5 weeks interval)

Inactivatum (one dose, subcutaneous) recommended to be applied no later than by the start of the second trimester of each pregnancy

Vivum (one dose, intramuscular) followed by Inactivatum (one dose, subcutaneous), with 6 months interval

Inactivatum (two doses, subcutaneous, with 3-5 week interval)

For vaccination in known high BoHV-1 infection pressure:

Rispoval IBR-Marker vaccine used

Revaccination intervals

Primary vaccination (number of doses and route of administration)

Interval to first booster vaccination (vaccine and route of administration)

All subsequent booster vaccinations (vaccine and route of administration)

Vivum (one dose, intranasal), followed by Vivum (one dose, intramuscular) with 3-5 weeks interval

6 months (Vivum, intramuscular, OR Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

6 months (Vivum, intramuscular) OR 12 months (Inactivatum, subcutaneous)

Adverse reactions

Transient subcutaneous swelling up to 5 cm in diameter, which subsides within 14 days, may occur at the injection site in very rare cases. In very rare cases allergic reactions may occur as with other vaccines, therefore vaccinates should be observed for approximately 30 minutes following immunisation. In those cases, antiallergics should be administered.

The frequency of adverse reactions is defined using the following convention:

- very common (more than 1 in 10 animals displaying adverse reactions during the course of one treatment)

- common (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 100 animals)

- uncommon (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 1,000 animals)

- rare (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 10,000 animals)

- very rare (less than 1 animal in 10,000 animals, including isolated reports).


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Art. Nr. 42058/5141
EAN 5013457079418
Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivated
1 x 10 dose
Rispoval IBR-Marker Inactivated
1 x 50 dose
VETiSearch ApS - C.F. Richs Vej 99D - 2000 Copenhagen - Denmark - contact@vetisearch.co.uk - Legal registration number: 39926679
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