Fly & Lice

1 x 1 l
Spot-on, solution

Active substance

  • Deltamethrin : 1 % w/v
  • Species

    Cattle and sheep.


    As a topical application for the control of lice and flies on cattle; ticks, lice, keds and established blowfly strike on sheep and lice and ticks on lambs.

    On cattle: for the control of both sucking and biting lice, including Damalinia bovis, Solenopotes capillatus, Linognathus vituli and Haematopinus eurysternus on all ages of cattle including dairy cattle producing milk for human consumption. Also as an aid in the control of both biting and nuisance flies including Haematobia irritans, Stomoxys calcitrans, Musca species and Hydrotaea irritans.

    On sheep: For the control of ticks Ixodes ricinus and of lice and keds and established blowfly strike.

    On lambs: For the control of ticks Ixodes ricinus and lice Bovicola ovis.

    Dose to be administered and administration route


    Cattle:10 ml

    Sheep: 5 ml

    Lambs (under 10 kg bodyweight or 1 month of age): 2.5 ml

    Administration: Apply a single dose with the special 'Squeeze 'n' Pour' dispenser pack or the Fly & Lice Spot On Applicator on one spot on the mid-line of the back at the shoulders as directed on dispenser or applicator gun pack. For blowfly strike on sheep, see following specific indication directions.

    Lice on cattle: One application will generally eradicate all lice. Complete clearance of all lice may take 4 - 5 weeks during which time lice hatch from the eggs and are killed. A very few lice may survive on a small minority of animals. Therefore, it may be necessary on rare occasions to re-treat an animal 6 - 8 week later.

    Flies on cattle: To control biting and non-biting flies, frequency of treatment will depend on the numbers and species of flies present. Where horn-flies predominate, good control can be expected for 4 - 8 weeks. Treatment for fly control should not be repeated within four weeks.

    Ticks on sheep: Application to the mid-point of the shoulders will provide useful control of ticks attaching to animals of all ages, for up to 6 weeks after treatment.

    Keds and lice on sheep: Application to the mid-point of the shoulders of sheep in short or long fleece will reduce the incidence of a biting louse or ked infestation over a 4 - 6 week period after treatment.

    N.B. For control of ticks, keds and lice on sheep, the fleece should be parted and Spot On applied to the skin of the animal.

    When using the Fly & Lice Spot On applicator application to the skin can be achieved by inserting the T bar to separate the fleece and penetrate down to the skin level before squeezing the applicator handle.

    Established blowfly strike on sheep: Apply directly to the maggot infected area as soon as the fly strike is seen. One application will ensure blowfly larvae are killed in a short time. In the case of more advanced strike lesions, clipping out of stained wool before treatment is advisable.

    Lice and ticks on lambs: Application to the mid-point of the shoulders will provide useful control of ticks for up to 6 weeks after treatment, and will reduce the incidence of biting lice over a 4-6 week period after treatment.

    Adverse reactions

    Minor signs of discomfort have been seen in some cattle during the 48 hours after treatment. This is of no long term detriment to the animal.


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    Art. Nr. 42058/4096
    EAN 5013457085686
    Fly & Lice
    1 x 1 l
    Fly & Lice
    2 x 2,5 l
    Fly & Lice
    1 x 250 ml
    Fly & Lice
    1 x 500 ml
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