Active substance
ATC code
Pigs (gilts, sows and piglets from 3 weeks of age).
Piglets: Active immunisation of piglets to reduce faecal excretion of PCV2 and virus load in blood, and as an aid to reduce PCV2-linked clinical signs, including wasting, weight loss and mortality as well as to reduce virus load and lesions in lymphoid tissues associated with PCV2 infection.
Onset of immunity: 2 weeks
Duration of immunity: at least 23 weeks after vaccination.
Sows and gilts: Passive immunisation of piglets via the colostrum, after active immunisation of sows and gilts, to reduce lesions in lymphoid tissues associated with PCV2 infection and as an aid to reduce PCV2-linked mortality.
Duration of immunity: up to 5 weeks after transfer of passive antibodies through colostrum intake.
Dose to be administered and administration route
Reconstitute immediately after removal from the refrigerator (or other cold storage).
To use the vaccine, shake vigorously the vial of antigen suspension and inject its content into the vial of emulsion containing adjuvant. Gently mix before use. The reconstituted vaccine is a homogeneous white emulsion.
When Circovac is used alone
Piglets from 3 weeks of age:
Administer one 0.5 ml dose by deep intramuscular injection.
Gilts and sows:
Administer one 2 ml dose by deep intramuscular injection in accordance with the following vaccination scheme:
Basic vaccination:
• Gilts: One injection, followed 3 to 4 weeks later by a second injection, at least 2 weeks before mating. One further injection must be given, at least 2 weeks before farrowing.
• Sows: One injection, followed 3 to 4 weeks later by a second injection, at least 2 weeks before farrowing.
• One injection at each gestation, at least 2 to 4 weeks before farrowing.
When Circovac is mixed with Hyogen:
The mixed use is restricted to the 100 doses (200 ml) presentations of Hyogen and to the 100 doses presentations (50 ml of reconstituted vaccine) of Circovac.
Piglets from 3 weeks of age:
Circovac |
Hyogen |
100 doses for piglets (50 ml of reconstituted suspension + emulsion) |
100 doses (200 ml of vaccine) |
Vaccine devices should be used under aseptic conditions and in accordance with the device instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Prepare Circovac by shaking vigorously the vial of antigen suspension and injecting its content into the vial of emulsion containing adjuvant. Mix 50 ml of Circovac and 200 ml of Hyogen and shake gently until a homogeneous white emulsion is obtained.
Administer one 2.5 ml dose of the mixture by intramuscular injection, in the side of the neck.
Use the entire vaccine mixture immediately after mixing.
Adverse reactions
Vaccination may exceptionally cause hypersensitivity reactions. In such cases, an appropriate symptomatic treatment should be provided.
Slight and transient local reactions normally occur after the administration of one dose of vaccine, mainly swelling (up to 2 cm2 in average) and redness (up to 3 cm2 in average), and in some cases oedema (up to 17 cm2 in average). These reactions resolve spontaneously in maximum 4 days in average without any consequence on the health and the zootechnical performances.
In clinical studies, the post-mortem examination of the injection sites performed in sows at most 50 days after the vaccination revealed limited lesions such as a discoloration and a granuloma in the majority of animals, as well as necrosis or fibrosis in approximately half of the animals. In piglets, due to the smaller dose volume used, less extended lesions were observed in the laboratory trials whereas only limited fibrosis has uncommonly been observed at time of slaughter.
Within the 2 days following the injection, an average increase in rectal temperature of up to 1.4 °C can occur. Rarely, an increase in rectal temperature of higher than
2.5 °C, lasting less than 24 hours, may occur.
In rare cases, slight apathy or reduction in appetite may be observed, which should resolve spontaneously.
Exceptionally abortion may occur after vaccination.
The frequency of adverse reactions is defined using the following convention:
- very common (more than 1 in 10 animals treated displaying adverse reactions)
- common (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 100 animals treated)
- uncommon (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 1,000 animals treated)
- rare (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 10,000 animals treated)
- very rare (less than 1 animal in 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports).
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Art. Nr. | 15052/5027 |
EAN | 3411113046668 |