Cevac Salmovac

1 x 5000 dose
Lyophilisate for use in drinking water


Chickens from one day old (breeders and layers).


Active immunisation of chickens to reduce colonisation, persistence and invasion of the intestinal tract and internal organs by Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium.

Onset of immunity within 6 days after first vaccination.

Duration of immunity for Salmonella Enteritidis is 35 weeks after second vaccination and 63 weeks after third vaccination when used according to the recommended vaccination schedule.

Duration of immunity for Salmonella Typhimurium is 60 weeks after the third vaccination when used according to the recommended vaccination schedule.

Dose to be administered and administration route

Immunisation against Salmonella Enteritidis

Recommended vaccination scheme for birds on farms of unknown Salmonella status or positive Salmonella Enteritidis detection:

One dose from first day of age, a second dose two weeks later and a third dose not later than three weeks before the laying period. There should be more than two weeks between the second and third administration.

Recommended vaccination scheme for birds on farms with a known history and absence of Salmonella Enteritidis according to routine bacteriological monitoring:

One dose from first day of age followed by a second dose two weeks later (but not later than 6 weeks before the onset of lay). A greater level of protection, with regards to the duration of immunity, is observed with the 3-dose regime.

Immunisation against Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium (whatever the salmonella status)

One dose from first day of age, a second dose six weeks later and a third dose around 13 weeks of age.

Administration in drinking water (oral route).

- Apply the usual aseptic precautions to all administration procedures.

- Calculate the number of vials of vaccine required to vaccinate all the birds.

- Use only clean, antiseptic and disinfectant free drinking water.

- Reconstitute the vaccine using a small volume of drinking water in the vaccine vial. Ensure the complete dissolution of the lyophilisate. Then add the reconstituted vaccine to sufficient water to be consumed within 4 hours and mix thoroughly.

Birds may have drinking water withdrawn for 1-2 hours before administering vaccine.

As a guide, administer the vaccine in a volume of at least 2 litres of drinking water per 1,000 chickens at first vaccination and at least 5 litres of drinking water per 1,000 chickens at second vaccination two weeks later.

If a third dose is administered, use at least 10 – 20 litres of drinking water per 1,000 chickens. This third dose should be administered not later than three weeks before the laying period.

Adverse reactions

None known.

Reporting adverse events is important. It allows continuous safety monitoring of a veterinary medicinal product. Reports should be sent, preferably via a veterinarian, to either the marketing authorisation holder or the national competent authority via the national reporting system. See the package leaflet for respective contact details.


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Art. Nr. 15052/5045
EAN 3411113093235
Cevac Salmovac
Ceva Animal Health
1 x 5000 dose
Cevac Salmovac
Ceva Animal Health
10 x 1000 dose
VETiSearch ApS - C.F. Richs Vej 99D - 2000 Copenhagen - Denmark - contact@vetisearch.co.uk - Legal registration number: 39926679
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