Cevac Chlamydia
Active substance
ATC code
Susceptible female breeding sheep
For the active immunisation of susceptible breeding female sheep to reduce abortion caused by Chlamydophila abortus infection.
Dose to be administered and administration route
The vaccine is supplied in vials containing 10, 20, 50 or 100 doses.
Reconstitution: The vaccine is reconstituted with the solvent immediately prior to use, allowing
2 ml of diluent per dose. If using the vented transfer device push one end of the device through the centre of the vaccine vial using a firm, twisting action. Similarly, push the solvent vial onto the opposite end of the device taking care to ensure the spike penetrates the centre of the vial bung. Carefully allow diluent to flow into the vaccine vial without completely filling it. Ensure the powder plug is fully dissolved and then invert until all the vaccine solution drains into the diluent vial. Remove the empty vaccine vial and transfer spike from the diluent vial and place into an appropriate disinfectant solution. Alternatively, remove approximately 5 ml of the solvent from the vial with a syringe and needle, inject into the vaccine vial and shake well until the powder plug is fully dissolved. Remove the vaccine solution from the vial, reinject into the diluent vial and shake well. Great care should be taken not to generate an aerosol.
Administration Dose: 2 ml by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. Ewe lambs, where it is intended to breed from them, may be vaccinated from 5 months of age. Shearlings and older ewes should be vaccinated during the 4 month period prior to mating.
Injection equipment To minimise the risk of self-injection the vaccine should be administered using automatic syringes fitted with the sterimatic guarded needle system according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is vital that a vented draw off tube is used with this equipment. Regular checks should be made to ensure the syringes are properly calibrated. Carefully attach the vial of reconstituted vaccine to the injection equipment and avoid aerosols during the priming process. It may be advisable to wear a visor while carrying out this operation.
Adverse reactions
A transient temperature rise may be observed after vaccination (average of 1.5°C for a maximum of 3 days).
Molecular investigations revealed the possible presence of the vaccine strain 1B in placentas collected in cases of enzootic abortion of ewes vaccinated with Cevac Chlamydophila. Although the causal relationship has not been firmly established (differential diagnosis incomplete), and the representative sampling should be specified in the domestic context, the possibility that the vaccine strain can be at the origin of abortions can not however be excluded in the present state of knowledge. This should be considered in the benefit / risk analysis conducted by the vet before prescribing the vaccine, especially in farms where the infection pressure related to Chlamydophila abortus is low.In very rare cases the vaccine may cause hypersensitivity reactions.

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Art. Nr. | 15052/4031 |
EAN | 3411110634387 |