Active substance
ATC code
For broiler chickens:
For active immunisation of chickens between 7 and 14 days to reduce upper respiratory signs associated with avian pneumovirus infection (Swollen Head Syndrome).
Onset of immunity: 17 days
Duration of immunity: 3 weeks
For breeder and layer pullets:
Priming for active immunisation of pullets from 14 weeks of age before booster vaccination with an inactivated vaccine containing avian pneumovirus to reduce respiratory signs associated with avian pneumovirus infection.
For onset of immunity and duration of immunity of full schedule, see SPC of the inactivated booster vaccine.
Dose to be administered and administration route
4.9.1 Posology
Broiler chickens:
One dose of vaccine to be administered between 7 and 14 days of age when levels of maternally derived antibodies are low, or at 14 days of age when levels of maternally derived antibodies are likely to be high.
Breeder/layer pullets:
One dose of vaccine to be administered at 14 weeks of age before booster vaccination with inactivated vaccine prior to the onset of lay.
4.9.2 Method and route of administration
. Apply the usual aseptic precautions to all administration procedures.
. Calculate the number of vials of vaccine required to vaccinate all the birds. Treat all water to come into contact with the vaccine with skimmed milk powder at a rate of 2.5g per litre (Use only clean, antiseptic and disinfectant free drinking water).
. Half fill a plastic (non-metallic) container in which a vaccine vial can be submerged with the clean treated drinking water.
. Remove the metal caps from each of the vaccine bottles, submerge each one individually and remove the rubber cap. Rinse the bottle, remove the cap and bottle and discard appropriately. Repeat for each bottle.
Administration by oral route (broilers and pullets)
For 1,000 birds, reconstitute the freeze-dried pellet corresponding to 1,000 doses in a small quantity of non-chlorinated drinking water and subsequently dilute it into a volume of non-chlorinated drinking water to be consumed within 1 to 2 hours. Birds may have drinking water withdrawn for 1-2 hours before administering vaccine.
Administration by spray route (pullets)
For 1,000 birds, reconstitute the freeze-dried pellet corresponding to 1,000 doses into 1 ml of non-chlorinated water and subsequently dilute it into the volume of non- chlorinated water according to the type of sprayer used (pressure-sprayer or sprayer with rotary cone, for further information on sprayer equipment, contact the manufacturer).
Spray the vaccine solution above the birds using a sprayer capable of producing droplets with a mean diameter of 80-150 µm.
For proper vaccine distribution, make sure that birds are evenly distributed during spraying.
The ventilation system of the poultry house should be inoperative during the spray administration.
The reconstituted product appears as a pale suspension.
Adverse reactions
None known.
In layer and breeder pullets, refer to the SPC of the inactivated booster vaccine.
Reporting adverse events is important. It allows continuous safety monitoring of a veterinary medicinal product. Reports should be sent, preferably via a veterinarian, to either the marketing authorisation holder or the national competent authority via the national reporting system. See also the last section of the package leaflet for respective contact details.
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Art. Nr. | 08327/5008 |
EAN | 3661103034032 |