Sedivet vet.
Active substance
ATC code
Sedative to facilitate handling, examination, minor surgical interventions and manipulations.
Sedivet may be used as a premedication agent with ketamine or thiopentone for short duration anaesthesia, or used with ketamine or thiopentone prior to halothane inhalation or ‘topping up’ with ketamine or thiopentone for prolonged procedures.
Sedivet has also been used with synthetic opiates (eg. butorphenol) to provide profound sedation/analgesia.
Dose to be administered and administration route
For intravenous use only. A dose range of 0.4 – 1.2 ml Sedivet/100 kg bodyweight (equivalent to 40 to 120 micrograms romifidine HCl/kg) gives a dose-related response.
Onset of action, which is independent of dose, is 1 – 2 minutes. Maximum sedation is achieved after 5 – 10 minutes. Please see the Chart below
Recommended dose
Dose |
Depth of Sedation |
Duration of Sedation |
0.4 ml Sedivet/100 kg bodyweight (ie. 40 micrograms romifidine/kg bodyweight). |
Light |
0.5 – 1 hour |
0.8 ml Sedivet/100 kg bodyweight (ie. 80 micrograms romifidine/kg bodyweight). |
Deep |
0.5 – 1.5 hours |
1.2 ml Sedivet/100 kg bodyweight (ie. 120 micrograms romifidine/kg bodyweight). |
Deep sedation of prolonged duration |
At this dose residual sedation may persist for up to 3 hours |
To reduce the possibility of unexpected defensive movements such as kicking, a dose of 0.4 – 1.2 ml per 100 kg bodyweight (equivalent to 40 – 120 micrograms romifidine HCl /kg) followed by 0.2ml Torbugesic per 100kg bodyweight (equivalent to 20 micrograms butorphanol/kg) should be administered intravenously. (An average dose of 0.6 ml Sedivet and 0.2 ml Torbugesic has been found to be effective in the majority of horses, although this may vary between individuals).
Premedication with ketamine for induction
When used prior to ketamine induced anaesthesia, with or without halothane, a dose rate of 1 ml/100 kg (equivalent to 100 micrograms romifidine HCl/kg bodyweight ) should be used followed by 2.2 mg/kg ketamine after 5 to 10 minutes.
Premedication with other agents for induction
When used with other anaesthetic agents, a dose of 0.4 – 0.8 ml per 100 kg bodyweight has been found to be most suitable. This corresponds to 40 to 80 micrograms romifidine HCl/kg bodyweight. Anaesthesia should be induced after maximum sedation is achieved (5 – 10 minutes).
Maintenance of anaesthesia
Anaesthesia may be maintained using halothane in oxygen by inhalation. Should maintenance of surgical anaesthesia be required when facilities for gaseous anaesthesia are not available, this can be achieved by ‘topping up’ doses of romifidine/ketamine or thiopentone.
To maintain or deepen surgical anaesthesia with romifidine/ketamine, administer the product intravenously at a dose of 0.25ml/100 kg bodyweight (25 micrograms/kg romifidine) followed immediately by ketamine intravenously at a dose of 1.1mg/kg (Vetalar 1.1ml/100 kg). Administer the romifidine/ketamine top-up dose immediately prior to commencement of surgical incision or when signs of returning consciousness appear.
Thiopentone may be used after romifidine/ketamine or romifidine/thiopentone induction at a dose of 0.25g/100 kg bodyweight. This should be administered when signs of returning consciousness appear. This can be repeated upto 3 times after the induction dose.
Adverse reactions
As with other drugs of this class, administration may cause bradycardia, which may be profound, benign reversible cardiac arrhythmia with second degree heart block and hypotension. These effects may be prevented by the administration of 0.01mg/kg atropine 5 minutes prior to administration of the sedative. These effects are usually well-tolerated but care should be taken in patients with cardiovascular disease. Incoordination of the limbs and sweating may also occur.
Hyperglycaemia and diuresis may accompany sedation.
In very rare cases hypersensitivity may occur.
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Art. Nr. | 08327/4302 |
EAN | 5012917090017 |