Active substance
ATC code
Chickens (broilers, pullets and breeders) and turkeys.
For the treatment of coccidiosis in chickens and turkeys, caused by infections with various species of Eimeria:
Chickens: E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. tenella.
Turkeys: E. adenoides and E. meleagrimitis.
Dose to be administered and administration route
For oral administration via the drinking water.
In order to ensure administration of a correct dose, the total weight of the treated animals and the daily water consumption must be accurately calculated.
The dose is 7 mg toltrazuril per kg body weight (bw) per day (= 0.28 ml [product] per kg bw per day). Treatment is carried out on two consecutive days.
The medicinal product should be administered continuously over 24 hours per day for 2 consecutive days.
In case an automatic dose dispenser is used the medicinal product should be administered for one period of 8 hours per day for 2 consecutive days. Medicated drinking water should be refreshed every 24 hours.
The dosage should be based on the current, actual drinking water intake of the animals, because this varies depending on the animal species, on the age, state of health and intended use of the animals, and depending on the housing conditions (e.g. different ambient temperature, different lighting regime).
In the case of continuous treatment over 24 hours, the volume of the product to be mixed into the drinking water for the animals to be treated is calculated according to the following formula:
Volume of the product required per litre drinking water:
Total volume of the product required per day (24 h):
The calculated volume (x ml [product] per litre) must be multiplied by the total consumption of drinking water (l) per day (24 h).
In the case of treatment for a period of 8 hours per day, the volume of the product to be mixed into the drinking water for the animals to be treated is calculated according to the following formula:
Volume of the product required per litre drinking water:
Total volume of the product required for a treatment period of 8 hours:
The calculated volume (y ml [product] per litre) must be multiplied by the total consumption of drinking water (l) per 8-hour period.
The appropriate volume of solution must be added daily to the drinking water while stirring.
If volumes of between 1 and 4 ml product are added per litre drinking water, solubility is guaranteed over the period of treatment.
In order to ensure that all the animals drink water evenly, sufficient space must be made available at the waterer. Free-range animals must be kept indoors during treatment.
After the end of the treatment, the watering system must be cleaned in an appropriate manner in order to prevent any exposure to residual subtherapeutic doses, particularly if liable to promote the development of resistance.
Predilution and the administration through a dosing pump (proportioner) are not recommended. Use preferably a bulk tank.
Adverse reactions
None known.

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